July 7, 2022
In the human body there live up to 2 kilograms of microorganisms which are referred to as microbiota. In our digestive tract there are trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, which can either support or harm our health.
The gut microbiota is a complicated and complex system found in every living organism. These are billions of bacteria that form a complex connection network.
Good gut bacteria perform numerous functions in the body. The right bacteria species balance and health is crucial i.e. for food digestion, body resistance and mental well -being. Thanks to communication through the brain-gut axis the microorganisms living in our body can affect things like the feeling of hunger or craving various types of food.
The composition of the microbiota is influenced by human (the host). It depends on many factors. Some of it is "inherited", but it is also affected by environmental factors. like the place where we live or a diet, but also the number of contacts with other people, medications and the fact whether we live in a household with pets.
On the other hand also the microbiota affects many processes within human body. This is a two -way connection. This means that bacteria can affect, for example, our appetite. If, through the wrong diet, we get your bacteria used to eating foods rich in salt, or sugar. In addition, the presence of some bacteria is necessary for human survival because they produce substances whose human cells are not able to produce as some enzymes or vitamins.
Studies show that the Imbalance of gut bacteria can lead to various diseases.
The main microbiota functions are:
An important role in creating healthy gut microbiome is healthy, varied diet, good quality probiotics and prebiotics. Highly processed foods with a high content of preservatives and artificial additives can on the other hand adversely affect the microbiota.
Red more about interaction of the microbiota with the human body in health and diseases